Cinder Cone Volcano Facts

A cinder cone is a volcano contained volcanic cinders (small particles of hardened lava).  A straight shot of lava in the air is caused by gas bubbles that erupt from a vent. This fire fountain can create hundreds of meters of the high shot. When lava erupts from a vent, it will quickly cool and fall nearby vent. By the time, the one is formed from this event around the crater. For more information about cinder cone, I summarize the cinder cone volcano facts.

Facts about cinder cone

The simplest type of volcano is cinder cone that can be free-standing volcanoes. The cone created by this eruption only contains a pile of particles which includes the flowing of lava. Unfortunately, the cinder cone cannot stand high like other volcanoes which are rare to have height until 250m. Besides, the creating of cinder cone itself is also influenced by factors surrounding including the gravity and atmospheric pressure. The cinder cone formed in Mars, for example, seems twice bigger than the earth have as the lower atmospheric and gravity will push the particles over a larger land. Many countries also have famous cinder cone like:

  1. Fox Crater, Queensland, Australia
  2. Caburgua-Huelemolle, Chile
  3. Paricutin, Mexico
  4. Lava Butte, Oregon, USA
  5. Kawah Cocoa located in British, Columbia and Canada
  6. Kawah Amboy which is located at San Bernardino County, California and USA
  7. Eruptions

Since the cinder cones height is not high compared with volcanoes, the eruption is also the small one. The lava will erupt from the small vent which come up into the air. During the eruption, a beautiful sparkle looks dramatic when the eruption happened.

Time of forming cinder cone

Unlike mostly volcano which needs hundred years, the cinder cone doesn’t need a long time to develop. One of the most famous cinder cones is Paricutin. The eruption happened in 1943, but shockingly the cinder cone formations can be built only in 9 years to reach such a wonderful high, 1,200 feet. Another great fact about cinder cone is Mauna Kea which is located in Hawaii. The volcano has 100 cinder cones around the mountain.

The Effects of Cinder cone to human population

As the cinder cone cannot create a high eruption as volcanoes do, still it will produce ash, smoke and gas. Some bad effects still appeared like the Paricutin in 1943 which cover 100 square kilometres of farmer’s field in nine years. Five villages were covered by ash and rock and several hundreds of people should be saved to new locations. However, a small eruption like the Little Springs Volcano’s didn’t occur a displacement, the communities take advantages by farming as the ground after the eruption happened is quite good and fertile.

Aside from those advantages and disadvantages, people surely must be careful of the eruption which sometimes cannot be predicted to avoid victims. Indonesia is one of the countries which has many cinder cone.  Bromo is one of the active cinder cones. People thought if this cinder cone is not active, but in 2004 a sudden eruption happened and killed two tourists tragically.